Friday, February 6, 2015

It Took 2 Years To Finish This Post...

*Not sure why I never finished this post... but now I am, 2 years later and it is still relevant. 

“I really believe there is so much more power in music than we know. Today, for instance, I am in the middle of a rather big problem and its really shaking me. And the song I can't get out of my head is "one thing remains".

Why does this even matter? Because while I'm sitting here, words ready to fly in attack, the lyrics hits me in the face... On and on and on and on it goes... And it overwhelms and satisfies my soul... And I'll never ever have to be afraid... This one thing remains... In death, in life I'm confident and covered by the power of your great love... My debt is paid there's nothing that can separate my heart from your great love... 

That's some great stuff.  It was enough to shut Kinsey up and let Jesus tell her what words she really meant to say in that moment of anger. And I think those words made the difference. They cleared up some confusion, and while the hurt is still here, and a painful discussion is still needed to fix the problem, I suddenly feel at peace. 

I don't typically focus in on the overwhelming love that is Jesus.. But in the past few weeks that word hasn't left me alone, it's been in every song that has gotten into my brain. And that's a powerful thing, because once I allow that song to get into my brain, it quickly makes it was to my heart and that's where the word "overwhelming" hit me. “

*This was where I ended my writing 2 years ago.... let me pick up here:

I'm not entirely sure what issue I was facing when I typed this 2 long years ago, but I can tell you this… My life was sort of a mess when I wrote this. I had just stopped going to college and was trying to figure out what I should do in the in-between (good news folks, the Lord provided, but alas, that's a post for another day). Funny story... my life usually feels sort of a mess. That’s where I feel I can always find myself sitting... on the fence toeing the line between "I think I've got it together" and "hold up y'all, it’s about to hit the fan". The great thing about teetering on the edge of dysfunction... I can always find rest in the simplicity and complex nature of the overwhelming love that Jesus has for me… a goofy little, 21 year old, tornado of a girl. 2 years later and I still actually remember what song I was singing after I wrote the beginning of this post. It’s called “Overwhelmed” by Ryan Post.

How can I not be moved now that I see You, Oh God?
I am overwhelmed
By everything You are
You take this broken life and shine in like the stars
So let Your waves crash down and overwhelm my soul
You satisfy my life and tell me I am Yours
I am Yours

I mean, how can those lyrics not hit you right in the feels? To know that no matter what situation I find myself in, good or bad, I can still be overwhelmed by the fact that Jesus is constantly telling the Father that I am HIS. Seriously… all the time… “She’s mine, you see that girl? She’s mine. I love her. She’s mine.” Just over and over again Jesus is saying “I got you girl, I love you”. Even in the moments I'm not entirely sure He has me, He is there “That girl, she’s mine”. I can tell you right now, there is one thing that can calm in in the worst of panic or distress, and it is those words. There is nothing more comforting to me than knowing that no matter where I am, Jesus has me.

This song has been a part of my story for quite some time, and clearly there is divine reason, to remind me to never lose the feeling of being overwhelmed in the love God shows for me every day. If you want, check it out HERE

What about you? What is something that eases your soul in a time of distress? Is there a song you listen to over and over again (like me), a piece of scripture you cling to, or something else? Share it with me : )

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