Monday, February 13, 2012

Funny..or maybe not.

Isnt it strange when you wake up, and life suddenly isnt what it used to be? Did we really stop being friends? Did i really graduate from high school? Surely im not a college student..

Yeah, actually, all of that is true, it all happened. It really is funny how life works out.. the people you call "best friends" turn out to not be as great as you thought, or the one you counted on for years suddenly is too good for you.. God has placed me at the school i swore my entire high school career i wouldnt go to. And, now, i sit back and look at what has shaken down the past few years -and it is NOT what i expected at all..

That said, im pretty sure i love my life. Do i want to be in this town, at this school? NO. But i get to spend time with precious people i love.. i get to watch babies and teenagers that i love grow up for at least another year.. and that in itself is amazing. However, i do miss friendships. I miss having girl nights. I miss week long sleepovers during summer. I miss having someone to share my stupid life stories with. And the unfortunate realization about spring break has hit me.. i have no one to spend it with. My closest friends, still being in high school, do not have the same break as i do. so while all of my "cool" college friends are living it up, i will do what i do best.. hang with myself and God, and hopefully get very very tan. I do envy the friends of mine who had the means to leave for school, and i hope they count their blessings.

Meanwhile, im here, in New Smyrna, doing the same old thing..

thats my boring life..

ps.. A job opportunity recently opened up for me. And incredible summer job, where i would be paid to do something i love.. so when you read this (whoever you are) send up a prayer to my main man Jesus, and ask him to do a great work for me.