Monday, August 3, 2009

Yikes, it's been how long?

well, i have decided that i stink at updating websites.. I mean, facbook im totally on board with, you dont have to do anything, just click and look. Everything else takes thought!

So, what have i been up to?


Okay, so here i stand in all my blogging shame, before all of blogspot, and anyone who will happen to read this particular blog..

i have been back from Detroit for just over a week, and i have yet to do my laundry.. I mean, it has in the past night, made its way from out of my bag(LARGE AND SMELLY BAG) to sitting in my now funkified(shoutout to kev!) laundry room! I have every intention on finishing it TONIGHT! Now, that im done filling you in on my laundry shame...

What did i learn in Detroit this year? Well sone definate thing, God answer prayers!

I was so excited to see Shannia, and even more excited she remembered me! I think one of the best things we do in Detroit is Big A! I just smile evertime i look at this picture, she has grown so much in one year, its crazy!
well that was a short lived update, like i said, laundry, im leaving for South Carolina people!
Ill post more about Detroit later, so many stories!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I thought you fell of the face of the earth...

"Today is the first day of the rest of my life
I'm gonna stop looking back and start moving on
And learn how to face my fears
Love with all of my heart, make my mark
I wanna leave something here
Go out on a ledge, with out any net
That's what I'm gonna be about
Yeah I wanna be runnin
When the sand runs out"

Which means "I'm back"... Miss me?

Today's prayer.... -------------------------------->